
Can work like a dog change to be work like smart dog?


By acclux team August 05 , 2014

"Work like a dog" simply means working very hard. Today is the "Work like a dog day" it's the day to honor all the hard worker who have the determination to achieve their dreams. As an entrepreneur, working like a dog is mostly your case, you are always working very hard with all your productivity to achieve your dreams and grow your business. You love what you are doing and you are always looking to become more successful.

Working hard is required for freelancers and business owners; but can we work not only hard but smart too. Can we change the work like a dog to work like a smart dog?

The question is are you spending your time wisely? Are you spending too many hours working on tasks can be done in few minutes?

Working for yourself comes with a lot of responsibilities, there's more than your passion you need to care about, there are many business daily operations need to be done like your financials, sending invoices and get paid from customers, receive orders from your vendors and much more.  Taking care of all these tasks may take you a way from you passion and make your business not enjoyable and fun as you want it to be.

So again let's ask the same question how to work in smart want not only hard. There are few steps you can do can help you to achieve that.

Automate your sales cycle
Automate your sales cycle by adapting a fast way to generate sales documents like estimations and invoices, send those documents to your customers, simple way to convert your working hours to billable hours and provide an easier way for payments to your customers so they can pay you faster.  Using the right software to achieve all those tasks with save you a huge a mount of time.

Learn the art of delegation
One of the reasons that you are working all the day long is you are doing all the tasks by yourself.  Learning the task delegation may be hard for freelancers and startups. If you have a lot of projects and work you can move to the next step of your business and start hiring people and create your own team, this will increase your business production and let you focus more on other important tasks. Also task delegation can be done by hiring consultants or contractors that can do a certain task for you.

Use time management tools
Use time management tools to manage your time and tasks because working on well-defined tasks will help you to be more productive and let you know where you will be after a week or month from now. 

Use today's technology
Use today's technology like cloud computing and mobility to help betting managing your business in more efficient way.   With cloud accounting and project management you will have full access of your data from everywhere and it's maintenance free and will help you to save a lot of time, money and effort on technology infrastructure.

If you are still doing all the tasks by yourself in old fashion way, it's ok but you may want to try the new and smart way to manage your business. In all cases we wish you a happy work like a dog day.

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