How to configure Outgoing mail server?

This feature helps you to configure Outgoing Server with SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) settings of your email server to manage sending out emails from acclux.

Follow few simple steps to configure your Outgoing Server
1. Click on the settings module.
2. Click [Outgoin Mail Server]

SMTP Server Provide where is the actual domain name.
Port Email port number
Username Provide your user name.
Password  Provide your password From Email Emails will be sent from the email id you would specify in this field; else, emails will be sent via the email id of the current user
SSL Options Select your SLL option.
Requires Authentication Click on the check-box to enable authentication before sending an email.


  • By default, the outgoing server is configured with acclux email server settings. You can manage sending out emails with these settings. However, we recommend you to configure Outgoing Server with your own SMTP settings.
  • If you prefer to retain acclux server as the outgoing server, we recommend you to configure your domain's SPF record to include the acclux server as a valid sender for your domain.
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